Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The design process requires more listening and learning than it does creating. In order to be a successful designer, one must have an open mind and accepting attitude when working with others.

In the working world of design, a designer usually has colleagues, as well as multiple clients. It is crucial for a designer to listen to client’s needs as well as the suggestions and criticisms of the designer’s team. If a designer proceeds to do this in his or her career, he or she will be extremely successful.

By listening carefully and collaborating with clientele, the designer can effectively grasp and execute the client’s idea. Although the final product may not be exactly what the designer thinks is best, the client is happy, which is what matters in the end. A designer must also look to his or her colleagues for guidance and feedback. An outside point of view or a critique is beneficial to any designer. Advice and evaluation from others can lift a designer to reaching a point in his or her work that is beyond expectation.

Julie Taymore, the award winning designer of The Lion King musical, understands the importance of listening to others ideas, as well as your own. In an industry needing hundreds of people to put on a production, Taymore learned to utilize her team in order to create an award winning masterpiece. A current theme throughout the incredibly designed musical of The Lion King is listening to the guidance of others. The South African Sesotho word “Mamela,” which means to listen, is used continuously in Taymore’s songs. It is possible Taymore was inspired by her own experiences as a designer, and incorporated them into her beautiful portrayal of The Lion King.

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